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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gp_itbc.c */
- /* Intel processor, Turbo/Borland C-specific routines for Ghostscript */
- #include "dos_.h"
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include "string_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gp.h"
- #ifdef __OVERLAY__
- # include "overlay.h"
- #endif
- /* Library routines not declared in a standard header */
- extern char *getenv(P1(const char *));
- /* Define the size of the C stack. */
- unsigned _stklen = 8000; /* default is 4096, we need more */
- /* Define the size of the overlay buffer, if relevant. */
- #ifdef __OVERLAY__
- unsigned _ovrbuffer = (1024L * OVLBUFK) / 16;
- #endif
- /* Forward declarations */
- private void handle_FPE(P3(int, int, int *));
- /* Do platform-dependent initialization. */
- #if CPU_TYPE > 86
- /* Internal routine to set flags and read them back. */
- /* We use __emit__ so we don't require an assembler. */
- private int
- push_pop_flags(unsigned flags)
- { __emit__(0x8b, 0x46, 6); /* mov ax,flags */
- __emit__(0x50, 0x9d); /* push ax; popf */
- __emit__(0x9c, 0x58); /* pushf; pop ax */
- }
- #endif
- void
- gp_init(void)
- { /*
- * Detect the processor type using the following algorithms:
- * The 8088/8086 truncate shift counts mod 32,
- * the 80186 and up do not.
- * The 80186 and below fix FLAGS bits 15-12 to 1,
- * the 80286 and up do not.
- * The 80386 allows setting FLAGS bits 14-12,
- * the 80286 and below do not.
- * We currently can't tell an 80386 from an 80486.
- * Note that this algorithm will identify an 80386
- * running in Virtual 8086 mode as an 80386.
- * This is acceptable, because Ghostscript doesn't actually
- * use 80286 or 80386 addressing modes, only the additional
- * instructions available on these processors.
- * (This algorithm is derived from the Intel manuals.)
- */
- #if CPU_TYPE > 86
- /* We have to be careful not to turn interrupts off! */
- int result, type;
- result = push_pop_flags(0x202);
- if ( (result & 0xf000) == 0xf000 )
- { /* CPU is an 8088/8086/80186 */
- { int shc = 33; /* force shift by variable */
- result = 0xffff << shc;
- }
- type = (result == 0 ? 186 : 86);
- }
- else
- { /* CPU is an 80286/80386/... */
- result = push_pop_flags(0x7202);
- type = ((result & 0x7000) == 0 ? 286 : 386);
- }
- /* A 486 is the same as a 386. */
- #define CPU_EQUIV (CPU_TYPE == 486 ? 386 : CPU_TYPE)
- if ( type < CPU_EQUIV )
- { eprintf1("This executable requires an 80%d or higher.\n",
- exit(1);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef __OVERLAY__
- /* Initialize the overlay machinery. */
- { int code;
- # ifdef OVEMS
- if ( code )
- eprintf("Attempt to use EMS memory for overlays failed.\n");
- # endif
- # ifdef OVEXT
- code = _OvrInitExt(OVEXT_START, OVEXT_LENGTH);
- if ( code )
- eprintf("Attempt to use extended memory for overlays failed.\n");
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- /* Set up the handler for numeric exceptions. */
- signal(SIGFPE, handle_FPE);
- gp_init_console();
- }
- /* Trap numeric exceptions. Someday we will do something */
- /* more appropriate with these. */
- private void
- handle_FPE(int sig, int subcode, int *regs)
- { unsigned char far *ip = MK_PTR(regs[10], regs[9]);
- eprintf1("Numeric exception %d:\n", subcode);
- fprintf(estderr,
- "AX=%04x BX=%04x CX=%04x DX=%04x SI=%04x DI=%04x BP=%04x\n",
- regs[8], regs[7], regs[6], regs[5], regs[2], regs[1], regs[0]);
- fprintf(estderr,
- "DS=%04x ES=%04x CS:IP=%04x:%04x",
- regs[3], regs[4], regs[10], regs[9]);
- fflush(estderr); /* in case of trap */
- fprintf(estderr, " --> %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x >> %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
- ip[-5], ip[-4], ip[-3], ip[-2], ip[-1],
- ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], ip[4]);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Do platform-dependent cleanup. */
- void
- gp_exit(int exit_status, int code)
- {
- }
- /* ------ Printer accessing ------ */
- /* Open a connection to a printer. A null file name means use the */
- /* standard printer connected to the machine, if any. */
- /* Return NULL if the connection could not be opened. */
- extern void gp_set_printer_binary(P2(int, int));
- FILE *
- gp_open_printer(char *fname, int binary_mode)
- { if ( strlen(fname) == 0 || !strcmp(fname, "PRN") )
- { if ( binary_mode )
- gp_set_printer_binary(fileno(stdprn), 1);
- return stdprn;
- }
- else
- return fopen(fname, (binary_mode ? "wb" : "w"));
- }
- /* Close the connection to the printer. */
- void
- gp_close_printer(FILE *pfile, const char *fname)
- { if ( pfile != stdprn )
- fclose(pfile);
- }
- /* ------ File names ------ */
- /* Create and open a scratch file with a given name prefix. */
- /* Write the actual file name at fname. */
- FILE *
- gp_open_scratch_file(const char *prefix, char *fname, const char *mode)
- { char *temp;
- if ( (temp = getenv("TEMP")) == NULL )
- *fname = 0;
- else
- { char last = '\\';
- strcpy(fname, temp);
- /* Prevent X's in path from being converted by mktemp. */
- for ( temp = fname; *temp; temp++ )
- *temp = last = tolower(*temp);
- switch ( last )
- {
- default:
- strcat(fname, "\\");
- case ':': case '\\':
- ;
- }
- }
- strcat(fname, prefix);
- strcat(fname, "XXXXXX");
- mktemp(fname);
- return fopen(fname, mode);
- }
- /* ------ File operations ------ */
- /* If the file given by fname exists, fill in its status and return 1; */
- /* otherwise return 0. */
- int
- gp_file_status(const char *fname, file_status *pstatus)
- { FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r");
- long flen;
- struct ftime ft;
- if ( f == NULL ) return 0;
- if ( getftime(fileno(f), &ft) < 0 )
- { fclose(f);
- return 0;
- }
- fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
- flen = ftell(f);
- pstatus->size_pages = (flen + 1023) >> 10;
- pstatus->size_bytes = flen;
- /* Make a single long value from the ftime structure. */
- pstatus->time_referenced = pstatus->time_created =
- ((long)((ft.ft_year << 9) + (ft.ft_month << 5) + ft.ft_day) << 16) +
- ((ft.ft_hour << 11) + (ft.ft_min << 5) + ft.ft_tsec);
- fclose(f);
- return 1;
- }